How to Install Coolify on Your RackNerd Server

Learn how to set up Coolify on a RackNerd VPS to streamline your development workflow with easy app deployment, monitoring, and management…

How to Install Coolify on Your RackNerd Server

Learn how to set up Coolify on a RackNerd VPS to streamline your development workflow with easy app deployment, monitoring, and management. This guide walks you through the installation process step by step.

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How to Install Coolify on Your RackNerd Server

So, you’ve got your hands on a RackNerd server and you’re ready to install Coolify? Awesome! Let’s dive in.

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Step 1: Connect to Your Server via SSH

  1. Open Command Prompt on Windows:
  • Hit Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter.

2.SSH into Your Server:

ssh [email protected] -p 22
  • Replace root with your username and XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with your server’s IP address. The -p 22 specifies the SSH port.

3.Enter Your Password:

  • When prompted, enter your password (it’s the one that looks like ***************). Don’t worry if nothing shows up as you type—that’s just a security feature.

Step 2: Prepare Your Server for Coolify Before installing Coolify, make sure your server has the necessary tools, like curl.

  • For Debian/Ubuntu:
  • Update your package list:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl -y

Step 3: Install Coolify Now that your server is prepped, it’s time to install Coolify!

  1. Run the Coolify Install Script:
  • arduino
curl -sSf | bash

2.Follow the Prompts:

  • The script will handle most of the work, downloading and setting up Coolify along with its dependencies. You might need to enter some configuration details like database credentials.

Step 4: Verify Installation After installation, open your browser and navigate to your server’s IP address or domain name. You should see the Coolify setup screen — just follow the on-screen instructions to get everything up and running.

Step 5: Set Up a Custom Domain If you want to use a custom domain with Coolify, you’ll need to configure your DNS settings. Check out this handy guide: Coolify DNS Configuration.